@misc{_Biography_2020, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS}, language={pol}, abstract={The book is dedicated to the biographical experiences of the representatives of the Wrocław Academy of Young Scholars and Artists (AMUiA), the group established in 2010 at the Wrocław Academic Hub and working for the interdisciplinary exchange of experiences. Within the framework of one of the AMUiA projects carried out in the years 2014-2019, biographical and narrative interviews with young scientists and artists have been gathered. They narrate about their biographical paths to the world of science and art. The research allowed us to collect material that constitutes a unique document of the oral history of the young generation of Wroclaw's scientists and artists. The interviews were conducted in small, interdisciplinary teams. They took the form of discussions about the meaning of science and artistic activity nowadays, how do young people find themselves in them, what barriers do they face, and what opportunities - which have not always been shared by the previous generation - have opened up for them. The book consists of a sociological introduction and transcriptions of 26 interviews with members of the AMUiA, including an interview with Professor Tadeusz Luty, one of the initiators of the Academy, a member of the honorary Academy Chapter, and a person supporting all its projects. The interviews presented in the book reveal more general processes and reflections on becoming a scientist and an artist in a large academic city represented by Wroclaw. They present the role of significant others, including family, teachers, and academic mentors, the paths leading to the world of science and art, ways of defining science and the role of the scientist and artist in the contemporary world, strategies of reconciling scientific work with organizational and administrative activities, didactics and private life. Thanks to this, the book is a relevant voice in the discussion about the possibilities and conditions of scientific and artistic work in Poland, especially in the context of scientific and higher education reforms.}, title={Biography and academia. Experiences of the young generation of Wroclaw's scholars and artists}, type={tekst}, keywords={Academy of Young Scholars and Artists, biography, scholars and artists, interviews}, }