@misc{Borszowski_Paweł_Defining_2017, author={Borszowski, Paweł}, copyright={Copyright by Vidavnictvo L'vìvs'kogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìm. Ìvana Franka}, address={L'vìv}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={L'vìvs'kij nacìnal'nij unìversitet ìmenì Ìvana Franka}, language={pol}, language={ukr}, language={eng}, abstract={The article discusses the problem of defining terms in tax law. One of the bases for introducing these definitions is to limit the blurring of definitions. This is the basis for the definition of the relationship between them and the terms outlined.The purpose of the study is to indicate the determinants of the limitation of the blur. They are also the determinants of the introduction of legal definitions.The analysis of these determinants with the avoidance clause leads to the conclusion that the determinants need to be looked for.}, title={Defining concepts in tax law as limiting the area of the blur}, keywords={legal definitions, blurring area, determinants}, }