@misc{Jędrzejczak_Helena_Anna_„Doskonalenie_2020, author={Jędrzejczak, Helena Anna}, copyright={Copyright by Helena Anna Jędrzejczak}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The text addresses the issue of the German concept of “Bildung”, meaning learning and qualification understood as a condition for the self-fulfillment of the human being. For its analysis were used the categories of ideology and utopia as understood by German sociologist of knowledge Karl Mannheim. The text presents the concept of a “German special path” and an important element of it “Bildungsbürgertum” – a bourgeoisie whose condition is continuous qualification to fulfill his calling. Those ideas are considered in terms of Mannheim's utopian thinking. Using methods provided by sociology of knowledge and history of ideas, the text describes the ideological, social and political context that made it possible to appear for ideas of “Bildung” and “Bildungsbürgertum” and their becoming ideologies and utopias.}, title={„Doskonalenie się czyni człowieka wolnym” – niemiecka koncepcja „Bildung” jako etyczny nakaz i metoda spełniania się jednostki, czyli o utopii i ideologii}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/22.20.413}, keywords={utopia, ideology, Karl Mannheim, Sonderweg, Bildung, freedom, education, culture}, }