@misc{Zyzda_Barbara_Kapitan_2017, author={Zyzda, Barbara}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, language={eng}, abstract={The master of the sea ship is the untypical administering entity whose position in the scope of public administration tasks is a kind of phenomenon. The ship captain is treated as the representative of government beyond the boarders of the Republic of Poland. The legislator gave him certain competences concerning the realization of national administrative functions which are usually reserved for a few entities in the normal conditions. In such scope, the captain works on the basis of administrative law norms. The most important tasks of captain result from the franchise, Act on Registry Office Records and Maritime Code in the range of police investigation. This article presents the analysis of sea ship captain functions as the entity constituting the element of public administration environment}, title={Kapitan statku morskiego jako otoczenie administracji publicznej}, type={text}, keywords={public administration environment, master of the sea ship, captain, public administration}, }