@misc{Zakrzewski_Jakub_Myśl_2019, author={Zakrzewski, Jakub}, copyright={Copyright by Katedra Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych WPAiE UWr, Koło Naukowe Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych WPAiE & Authors}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is a presentation and analysis of political and legal thought as well as the activities of Wincenty Niemojowski - a nobleman, lawyer, and also a Member of Parliament for the Kingdom of Poland and a member of the National Government during the november uprising. This thought constituted a kind of reception of the doctrine of the French liberal Binyamin Constant on Polish soil. Niemojowski sacrificed his life trying to make it happen and introduce it to the political discourse, exposing himself to the negativity of his person on the part of Tsar Alexander I and his supporters. After being imprisoned in the home, he took up Constant's translation into Polish, which he enriched with his own footnotes and comments. He particularly emphasized in them the broad principle of the division of power, the modern concept of freedom and the catalog of guarantees of public authorities, such as freedom of the press or the independence of the courts. All this set in the historical context gives a very interesting subject for conducting discussions and scientific analysis}, title={Myśl polityczno-prawna i działalność Wincentego Niemojowskiego}, keywords={liberalizm, monarchia konstytucyjna, powstanie listopadowe, Niemojewski, Wincenty (1854-1926)}, }