@misc{Lewicka-Zelent_Agnieszka_Training_2019, author={Lewicka-Zelent, Agnieszka}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Aim: To establish the extent to which FLE teachers are properly trained to deliver the subject. Methods: The study was conducted by way of a diagnostic survey in the group of 40 teachers implementing the contents of the subject at the level of primary school. The following three research tools were applied: the author’s own survey questionnaire, Family Communication Questionnaire and Attachment Style Questionnaire by M. Plopa. Results: Based on the obtained author’s own research results the thesis can be formulated that FLE teachers take into account, first and foremost, individual needs of young people when selecting lesson discussion topics. They adjust lesson subjects to the youngsters current problems. Moreover, they raise the issues included into the curriculum. Most of them emphasise that they can maintain good relations with young people, demonstrate openness towards students, and remain flexible in choosing new subjects. One third of them perceives their own methodological and subject-specific deficits, in particular in the field of psychology and medicine. They also perceive the problem in covering a large number of interesting topics because there are not enough lesson hours designated for FLE subject. T hree fifths of t he examined persons communicate with their spouse appropriately, and may represent the authority in this role for young people. A typical unique attachment style is characteristic of less than one fifth of them. Conclusions: FLE teachers, among whom women dominate, are motivated externally to undertake the training in this regard. They notice both their own resources as well as deficits in preparation for teaching FLE. When working with students, they notice the need to use unconventional methods to develop skills useful in family and social life. Personal problems in communication with their life partner has a specific influence on the credibility of the FLE teacher.}, type={tekst}, title={Training teachers in delivering FLE (Family Life Education) subject}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/wwr.2019.1.207.223}, keywords={FLE subject, education, family, young people, school}, }