@misc{Włodarczyk-Rybacka_Marta_Edukacja_2024, author={Włodarczyk-Rybacka, Marta}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, language={pol}, abstract={The topic of the article is historical education and the way it is implemented in the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association, based on the example of the ZdobywcyTrefla [Winners of the Clubs] programme proposal. The said document is a set of proposed tasks and activities, of which an appropriate number should be selected to be carried out with the pupils in order to familiarize them with the issue of the Greater Poland Uprising. It is adapted to the age of participants, taking into account the methodological division applied in the organization. Using methodological instruments such as skills, clues or challenges, scouts are able to learn the course of important historical events such as the Greater Poland Uprising.}, type={text}, title={Edukacja historyczna w Chorągwi Wielkopolskiej Związku Harcerstwa Polskiego na przykładzie propozycji programowej Zdobywcy Trefla}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/eks.2024.5.123.141}, keywords={scouting movement, scouting, programme proposal, Greater Poland Uprising}, }