@misc{Skotnicka-Palka_Małgorzata_Kobiece_2024, author={Skotnicka-Palka, Małgorzata}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, language={pol}, abstract={The article analyses the profiles of female characters in historical comic books which depict the tragic period of World War II (both fictional and real characters). All the women described showed courage, intelligence as well as sensitivity to the suffering of others, especially the weaker ones. They were able to find the strength to survive in extreme conditions and even help other people.}, type={text}, title={Kobiece bohaterki komiksów historycznych poświęconych II wojnie światowej na wybranych przykładach}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/eks.2024.5.93.103}, keywords={20th century history, war, popculture, graphic novel, women}, }