@misc{Piotrowski_Jacek_Zjawisko_2024, author={Piotrowski, Jacek}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, language={pol}, abstract={Globalization is one of the terms frequently used during Citizenship Education classes. This term is well-known and applied to explain social, economic and political processes in contemporary world. The title question of this article was inspired by recently observed changes, e.g., effects of the pandemic, wars and armed conflicts, competition between the broadly understood Western blocks and BRICS countries. At present, the term ‘deglobalization’ must be introduced into didactics in order to describe strong separatist/autarkic tendencies in numerous countries. Some fundamental reflections should follow: Are the deglobalization processes merely incidental? Are we facing the critical moment when we should recognize the fact that one-sided Western dominance in culture, economy or politics undergoes significant changes – and introduce this observation into the educational process? Should core curriculum and educational materials (e.g., coursebooks) be modified accordingly? These are the contemporary dilemmas of Citizenship Education didactics.}, type={text}, title={Zjawisko deglobalizacji w procesie edukacji - incydentalne kryzysy czy stała tendencja?}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/eks.2024.5.77.91}, keywords={globalization, didactics, society, economy, politics}, }