@misc{Podemski_Piotr_Model_2024, author={Podemski, Piotr}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, language={pol}, abstract={The Finnish school system is regarded in Poland as a model. Within a one week study visit to a Finnish middle school, alongside a group of Polish high school students, the author attempted to understand the causes of the success of Finnish education, history teaching in particular. The results turned out to be rather surprising. Preceded by a theoretical and cultural preparation, the one-week observation of classes, mainly history classes, and an analysis of school documentation as well as interviews with Finnish teachers all indicated that in many ways the everyday reality of the Finnish school does not match its idealized image, while its staff members are aware of crucial problems the Finnish system of education is struggling with, while the system itself seems quite distant from the innovativeness which is attributed to it.}, type={text}, title={Model czy miraż? Nauczanie historii w Finlandii w świetle wizyty studyjnej w fińskim gimnazjum}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/eks.2024.5.21.52}, keywords={Finland, education, history teaching, middle school, Finnish school system}, }