 author={Stachurski, Jacek},
 copyright={Copyright by Autorzy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego oraz Wydawnictwo „Szermierz” sp. z o.o., Wrocław 2024},
 publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego},
 publisher={Wydawnictwo „Szermierz” sp. z o.o.},
 abstract={The aim of this gloss is to point out fault in the statement of the Polish Supreme Court in the Sentence from 29th of October 2015 I CSK 901/14, in which it settled (among others) the question of mutual relations between articles: 357 1and 632 § 2 of the Polish Civil Codex. The paper proves that the rigour of application of article 632 § 2 should not be softer than of the article 357 1. In the gloss I point out to the occurrence of the superfluum phenomenon and file a de lege ferenda demand.},
 title={„Nadzwyczajna zmiana stosunków w art. 357 1 KC a zmiana stosunków w art. 632 § 2 KC” — Glosa do Wyroku Sądu Najwyższego — Izba Cywilna z dnia 29 października 2015 roku i CSK 901/14},
 keywords={extraordinary change of relations, rebus sic stantibus clause, a contract for aspecific task, construction contract, valorisation},