 author={Sosiński, Piotr},
 copyright={Copyright by Pracownia Badań Orientalnych, Katedra Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych Wydziału Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego & Autors},
 publisher={Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego},
 abstract={Author of this paper zooms in at the concept of cultural morphology created by a revolutionary – conservative of German origin – Oswald Spengler. In his opus magnum "Der Untergang des Abendlandes" Spengler presented a trully catastrophic philosophy of history of human societies. Said history is a complicated puzzle made of various cultures defined as sole organic identities, beings emerging in specific geographical parameters that are complete in their effigy and particularity and independent from other collectives of that sort. Cultures considered as the greatest characters of historical processes as such are subject to thousand-years cycle conditioned by biological rhythm of birth, adulthood and death. According to Spengler, broadly analyzed western culture appeared on European continent in X century and moved to civilisational phase in XIX century. One of the most grave symptoms of its crisis was prophecised in several publications from the third decade of XIX century coloured world revolution, a confrontation of people of colour against white population of the West.},
 title={Kolorowa rewolucja – Oswalda Spenglera wizja upadku cywilizacji zachodniej},
 keywords={historiozofia, katastrofizm, kultura, cywilizacja, kolorowa rewolucja, rasa},