 author={Dolińska, Kamilla and Makaro, Julita},
 publisher={Centrum Mieroszewskiego},
 publisher={Uniwersytet Wrocławski},
 abstract={The study Migrants from Belarus in Poland. Needs and Expectations, responds to the need to increase knowledge about an important but 'invisible' category of migrants in the process of building ethnic diversity in Poland. This knowledge should be developed on the basis of official data collected by various governmental and local institutions, as well as on the basis of data collected by researchers interested in the issues of the diversification of Polish society, mainly due to the arrival of migrants from Belarus. Therefore, the study consists of three chapters that take into account both types of data sources. The first chapter, Migration from Belarus to Poland in the Light of State Statistics, is an illustrative presentation of the data, without in-depth analysis, which shows the extent and dynamics of Belarusian migration. The determinants used were: applications for international protection, permanent and temporary residence permits, applications for the Polish card, but also the number of visas issued, work permits, the number of people registered for social security and those granted Polish citizenship. The second chapter of Research on Belarusians provides a brief overview of the current state of research on the Belarusian migrant community in Poland, but it is limited to recent times. The time limit is 2020, when the dynamics and nature of migration from Belarus have changed significantly, as shown by the statistics cited. The third chapter, Needs and Expectations of Migrants from Belarus in the Opinions of Leaders of the Belarusian Community, contains the results of qualitative research conducted in July-September 2024. The collected experiences, opinions and assessments of the interviewees made it possible in this chapter to: assess Belarusian migration and its impact on Belarus and Belarusians; describe the community of Belarusian migrants, taking into account both unifying features and issues that differentiate them (the context for their indication was the experienced migration situation); and outline the difficulties of life in exile (including problems and needs, as well as expectations directed at Polish institutions and the host community). The study concludes with a set of recommendations pointing out the potential of the Belarusian migrant community, ways to strengthen it and create favourable conditions for it. They are addressed to the host community as well as to Belarusian migrants.},
 title={Migranci z Białorusi w Polsce. Potrzeby i oczekiwania},
 keywords={migration, diaspora, Belarusians, migrants from Belarus in Poland, economic migration, political migration},