@misc{Sarnatskyy_Kostiantyn_Deržavna_2023, author={Sarnatskyy, Kostiantyn}, copyright={Copyright by Autorzy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz” sp. z o.o., 2024}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, publisher={Wydawnictwo "Szermierz" sp. z o.o.}, language={ukr}, abstract={In this paper I analyze the activities of state healthcare institutions using the example of the A. I. Kolomichenko Scientific-Research Institute of Otorhinolaryngology and determine ways to improve the activities of such institutions in the current period, in which the healthcare system is undergoing several major transformations. The main research tasks are: analyzing the regulatory and legal support of the process of trans-formation of the healthcare sector in the context of the activities of state healthcare institutions; analyzing the activities of state healthcare institutions using the example of the Institute; and finally determining ways to improve the activities of the Institute. It has been proven that in the current period of transformations in the healthcare sector, there exists a need to conduct an analysis of the regulatory and legal support of public policy regarding the transformation of the healthcare system in the provision of specialized medical care, which affects the activities of state healthcare institutions, in particular the Institute. An analysis of the main performance indicators characterizing the economic potential of the Institute was carried out. The indicators of the development of the personnel potential of the health care institution according to such indicators as the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the activity of the medical staff, etc. were also taken into account. A quantitative analysis of the activities of the consulting polyclinic and inpatient facility of the Institute in 2022 was conducted. It has been established that in the modern conditions of the transformation of the healthcare sector, an important direction for improving the activities of state healthcare institutions that pro-vide specialized medical care, in particular the Institute, is the need to conclude an agreement with the National Health Service of Ukraine on medical care for the population under the medical guarantee program, as well as the implementation of strategic planning to optimize the Institute’s functioning in accordance with the modern needs of the medical market, expanding the list of medical services, using energy-saving and modern information technologies through the development and implementation of the Strategic Development Plan of the Institute for the short and long-term.}, abstract={Metoû doslìdžennâ ê provedennâ analìzu dìâlʹnostì deržavnih zakladìv ohoroni zdorov`â na prikladì Deržavnoì̈ ustanovi (DU) «Ìnstitut otolaringologìì̈ ìmenì profesora O. S. Kolomìĭčenka NAMN Ukraì̈ni» ta viznačennâ šlâhìv udoskonalennâ dìâlʹnostì takih zakladìv v sučasnih umovah transformacìì̈ sferi ohoroni zdorov`â. Zavdannâ doslìdžennâ: proanalìzuvati normativno-pravove zabezpečennâ procesu transformacìì̈ sferi ohoroni zdorov`â v kontekstì dìâlʹnostì deržavnih zakladìv ohoroni zdorov`â; zdìĭsniti analiz dìâlʹnostì deržavnih zakladìv ohoroni zdorov`â na prikladì DU «Ìnstitut otolaringologìì̈ ìmenì profesora O. S. Kolomìĭčenka NAMN Ukraì̈ni»; viznačiti šlâhi udoskonalennâ dìâlʹnostì DU «Ìnstitut otolaringologìì̈ ìmenì profesora O. S. Kolomìĭčenka NAMN Ukraì̈ni». Dovedeno, ŝo u sučasniĭ perìod funkcìonuvannâ sferi ohoroni zdorov`â vinikaê neobhìdnìstʹ u provedennì analìzu normativno-pravovogo zabezpečennâ deržavnoì̈ polìtiki ŝodo transformacìì̈ sistemi ohoroni zdorov`â pri nadannì specìalìzovanoì̈ medičnoì̈ dopomogi, ŝo vplivaê na dìâlʹnìstʹ deržavnih zakladìv ohoroni zdorov`â, zokrema Ìnstitutu. Zdìĭsneno analìz osnovnih pokaznikìv dìâlʹnostì, ŝo harakterizuûtʹ ekonomìčniĭ potencìal sub`êkta gospodarûvannâ, zokrema Ìnstitutu, takož proanalìzovano pokazniki rozvitku kadrovogo potencìalu zakladu ohoroni zdorov`â za takimi pokaznikami âk kìlʹkìsnì ì âkìsnì pokazniki dìâlʹnostì medičnogo personalu ta ìn. Provedeno kìlʹkìsniĭ analìz dìâlʹnostì konsulʹtativnoì̈ polìklìnìki ì stacìonaru Ìnstitutu u 2022 rocì. Vstanovleno, ŝo v sučasnih umovah transformacìì̈ sferi ohoroni zdorov`â važlivim naprâmom udoskonalennâ dìâlʹnostì deržavnih zakladìv ohoroni zdorov`â, âkì nadaûtʹ specìalìzovanu medičnu dopomogu, zokrema Ìnstitutu, ê neobhìdnìstʹ ukladennâ dogovoru z NSZU pro medične obslugovuvannâ naselennâ za programoû medičnih garantìĭ, a takož vprovadžennâ strategìčnogo planuvannâ z metoû optimìzacìì̈ strukturi lìžkovogo fondu Ìnstitutu vìdpovìdno do sučasnih potreb medičnogo rinku, rozširennâ perelìku medičnih poslug zastosuvannâ energozberìgaûčih ta sučasnih ìnformacìĭnih tehnologìĭ toŝo šlâhom rozroblennâ ta realìzacìì̈ Strategìčnogo planu rozvitku Ìnstitutu na korotkostrokovu ì dovgostrokovu perspektivu.}, type={text}, title={Deržavna polìtika ŝodo transformacìï sferi ohoroni zdorov`â pri nadannì specìalìzovanoï medičnoï dopomogi: analìz dìâlʹnostì deržavnih zakladìv ohoroni zdorov`â na prikladì Deržavnoï ustanovi «Ìnstitut otolaringologìï ìmenì profesora O. S. Kolomìjčenka NAMN Ukraïni»}, doi={https://doi.org/10.19195/1733-5779.45.6}, keywords={public healthcare policy, healthcare institutions, public healthcare institutions, activities of healthcare institutions, deržavna polìtika u sferì ohoroni zdorov`â, zakladi ohoroni zdorov`â, deržavnì zakladi ohoroni zdorov`â, dìâlʹnìstʹ zakladìv ohoroni zdorov`â}, }