@misc{Jabłoński_Andrzej_Rola_2023, author={Jabłoński, Andrzej}, copyright={Copyright by Autorzy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego oraz Wydawnictwo „Szermierz” sp. z o.o., Wrocław 2024}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, publisher={Wydawnictwo "Szermierz" sp. z o.o.}, language={pol}, abstract={The article is devoted to the role of trade unions in proceedings before labor and social security courts in terms of system and procedural aspects. The procedural powers of trade unions include the ability to bring an action on behalf of an employee or to join the case on his side, as well as to designate a legal representative of the (insured) employee as an attorney. The indicated powers serve to implement the statutory tasks of trade unions in representing and defending the rights of employees in the area of procedural labor law. Their purpose is to support the employee in obtaining judicial protection of his rights.}, type={text}, title={Rola związków zawodowych w postępowaniu przed sądem pracy i ubezpieczeń społecznych}, keywords={trade union, civil process, employees, court}, }