 author={Zmysłowski, Wojciech},
 copyright={Copyright by Pracownia Badań Orientalnych, Katedra Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych Wydziału Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego & Authors, Wrocław 2023},
 publisher={Uniwersytet Wrocławski Koło Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych},
 publisher={Uniwersytet Wrocławski Koło Naukowe Ogólnej Teorii Ekonomii},
 abstract={In the presented article, the author aims to present the concept of dividing law into divine, natural and human according to the concept of Saint Thomas Aquinas and to try to answer the question of what contribution it had to the formation of certain later and contemporary doctrines and views on the theory of law, as well as to examine in terms of its impact on shaping human rights. It should be noted that the understanding of what exactly a given category of law is will also take into account what the creator of this division understood and will also take into account doctrines other than Thomism, while maintaining the resulting basic division, which will allow for a more effective comparison with contemporary concepts and the recognition of similarities. This approach will also allow for the creation of a certain synthesis of contradictory concepts of understanding law, while being open to the interdisciplinary nature of law as understood in theology.},
 title={Tomistyczna hierarchia prawa i jej porównanie z dominującymi koncepcjami rozumienia prawa},
 keywords={law, Thomas Aquinas, natural law, laws of nature, reality},