@misc{_The_2024, copyright={Copyright by Authors}, address={Kraków}, howpublished={online}, year={2024}, abstract={The 6th Polish Zebrafish Society Workshop Abstract Book. Materiały pokonferencyjne, książka abstraktów zawierająca streszczenia wystąpień ustnych oraz doniesień naukowych zaprezentowanych w formie plakatów naukowych podczas Workshopu, szkolenia, które miało miejsce w Krakowie 14 - 16.02.2024}, type={tekst}, title={The 6th Polish Zebrafish Society Workshop Abstract Book Kraków14 - 16.02.2024}, keywords={zebrafish, model animals, model organisms, modeling of human diseases, xenografts, high-content screening, Ewing sarcoma, CAR T cells, brain development, neurodevelopmental diseases, brain diseases, immunity, infection, phagocytes, pathogens, toxicity, organogenesis, neurotransmitters, zebrafish behaviour, behavioural assays, anxiolytic drug screening, high throughput, fish viruses, antiviral response, common carp, genome editing, CRISPR/Cas9, disease models, hearing loss, PDX, SCID, L-plastin, bioactive compounds, microbiome, histomorphology, gene expression, model organism, fenoterol, β2-adrenergic receptor, structural analogues, mycotoxins, endocrine disruptive chemicals, cancer, oxidative stress, xenotransplantation, rhabdomyosarcoma, neurodegeneration, Porphyromonas gingivalis, microglia, zebrafish larvae, melanoma, cholesterol, ABCA1, probucol, behavioral pharmacology, cocaine, metal-organic framework, intestinal transit, enterocolitis, citral, anxiety, monoterpenoids, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, endothelium, vascular permeability, cardiovascular toxicity, calcium, protein kinase A (PKA), plasma membrane microdomains, Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), oxysterols, viral infection, DNA vaccine, McArdle disease, metabolic disorder, skeletal muscle, oncology, xenograft, slc26a4, inner ear malformations, coding and noncoding causative variants}, }