@misc{Czyszkowski_Piotr_Ewolucja_2023, author={Czyszkowski, Piotr}, copyright={Copyright by Piotr Czyszkowski}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, school={University of Wroclaw}, language={pol}, abstract={The 21st century is undoubtedly the era of the Internet and social media. With a smartphone and access to the world computer network almost anytime and anywhere, we can keep abreast of events of interest, as well as be in virtual contact with people we know in person and those Internet users we know only from the web. With a huge number of tools at our disposal in the form of text, voice and audio-visual communicators, we are simultaneously receivers and broadcasters of various content. Does this mean that traditional media are no longer decisive in communicating relevant information socially? As the survey results show, rather not. Despite the great IT revolution, which has led to the transformation of classically understood media systems, the media (and especially television) and the journalists who work in them professionally, still play a dominant role in the process of informing the public about the most important political, economic, social or cultural events.The subject of this dissertation is the evolution of information television journalism in political, economic and technological aspects based on the case study of the regional center of Polish Television S.A. in Wroclaw. The analysis made covers nearly 60 years, including the period from the establishment of Polish Television and the creation of the Wroclaw Television Center to the present day, that is, until 2023. The described process of the birth of informational television journalism and the subsequent changes that occurred in this area indicates that the evolution in informational television journalism is broad and multidimensional.The main objective of the dissertation is to show the evolution of news (engaged) journalism in Poland, through the prism of television journalism and television itself, as well as an empirical diagnosis of the phenomenon of political parallelism. In this context, it is crucial to present the influence of politics and politicians on the media, as well as to show the peculiarities of the profession of television journalism and possible predictions for its future.}, type={tekst}, title={Ewolucja informacyjnego dziennikarstwa telewizyjnego w aspektach: politycznym, ekonomicznym i technologicznym – studium przypadku TV Wrocław}, keywords={journalism, television journalism, media system, political system, political influence, political parallelism, politics, economics, technology}, }