@misc{Błaszczyk_Mateusz_SOR-WAR, author={Błaszczyk, Mateusz and Pieńkowski, Piotr and Felińska, Małgorzata and Pachkovskyy, Yuriy and Bezrukova, Olha and Ilyk, Khrystyna and Kovalisko, Natalia}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, language={ukr}, abstract={The research materials are the notes of Polish and Ukrainian students. In late October 2022, a team of Ukrainian and Polish researchers asked students to write down their daily observations about the energy crisis that directly affects their lives. The research method was daily observation notes on the availability or lack of electricity in the daily lives of residents. Students sent in their weekly notes systematically. The period of note collection lasted from November 2022 to March 2023. Research location: Wroclaw, Kiev, Ukraine. In Ukraine, the notes were prepared by 8 students aged 18-22 and in Poland by 7 students aged 20-25. The studies were prepared in their native language (Ukrainian and Polish).}, type={text}, title={SOR-WAR Project. Odporność ładu społecznego podczas wojny w Ukrainie. Doświadczenia ukraińskie i polskie (Granty interwencyjne, BPN/GIN/2022/1/00011/U/00001)}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/150067}, keywords={The energy crisis in everyday life in Poland and Ukraine, energy crisis, memories, war, experiences, daily life, Poland, Ukraine}, }