@misc{Piotrowski_Jacek_Kontrowersje_2023, author={Piotrowski, Jacek}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, language={pol}, abstract={Introduction of the new subject to secondary schools – HiT (historia i teraźniejszość – History and the Present), has changed proportions between the two existingsubjects: History and Citizenship Education. For some experts, it was a step forward indirection of using contemporary history as exemplification of demanding theoretical isues. Amidst fierce discussions and various doubts regarding the education curriculum, theconcern about Citizenship Education is rarely raised, which can result in neglecting itselements. Numerous significant issues concerning sociology, philosophy, economy andlaw seem to have escaped the attention of HiT creators. As a result, Citizenship Educationmay lose its interdisciplinary character and become dominated by contemporary history.}, type={text}, title={Kontrowersje wokół powołania nowego przedmiotu nauczania pod nazwą "historia i teraźniejszość"}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/eks.2023.4.133.144}, keywords={Historia i teraźniejszość, treści nauczania, dominacja historii najnowszej}, }