 author={Rutecka-Góra, Joanna and Rutkowska-Tomaszewska, Edyta},
 copyright={Copyright by Joanna Rutecka-Góra, Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska},
 publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Wydawnictwo "Szermierz"  sp. z o.o.},
 abstract={The monograph presents the results of an empirical study, covering most of the model contracts for individual pension products (both IKE and IKZE) offered in Poland by selected banks in the form of bank account (bank savings account) agreements. It focuses on the identification and description of the clauses included in the selected contracts that violate the interests of consumers and could potentially be considered abusive or have even already been recognized as such. The first chapter discusses the role, characteristics, and development of individual pension plans in the Polish pension security system, with particular focus on products offered by banks. The second chapter treats the consumer in the context of the widespread mass-market practice of using model contracts in the process of concluding bank contracts and abusive clauses in the face of information asymmetry and the contractual advantage of the financial services provider, which in the case under analysis is the bank. Chapter three provides a detailed analysis of the results of our own research on prohibited contractual clauses in bank model contracts for IKE and IKZE, particularly in the area of the interest rate applied and fees and commissions charged by banks. An important supplement to this chapter is an appendix containing tables of clauses already recognized as abusive in bank model contracts (both those entered in the register of abusive clauses and those resulting from decisions issued by the President of the OCCP), including the IKE and IKZE model contracts, as well as clauses that could be considered abusive due to their similarity to clauses already recognized as such in the examined model contracts of selected banks.},
 title={Bankowe indywidualne produkty emerytalne. Zasady funkcjonowania, oprocentowanie i poziom opłat w kontekście praktyki stosowania wzorców umownych i klauzul abuzywnych},
 keywords={individual retirement accounts, individual retirement security accounts, abusive clauses, model contracts, interest rates, cancellation fees},