@misc{Knapik_Aleksandra_R._Endo-,_2023, author={Knapik, Aleksandra R. and Chruszczewski, Piotr P.}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2023}, language={pol}, abstract={It is assumed that in the case of contact languages, it is the nonverbal context of use of these languages that may be the key factor in determining the nature of each language. Contact languages, perhaps even to a greater extent than larger or more common, the so-called national languages, may establish the identity of the speech communities that use them. The text presents also selected ways in which contact languages arise, adding to the types of languages known to science, such as endogenous and exogenous contact languages, a new name for the category of languages, which are isogenic contact languages.}, type={text}, title={Endo-, egzo- oraz izogenne języki kontaktu}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/ajmp.2023.19.12}, keywords={Anthropological Linguistics, Creolinguistics, endogenous, exogenous and isogenic contact languages, lagerspracha}, }