 author={Dzida, Jagoda},
 copyright={Copyright by Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2023},
 publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Wydawnictwo "Szermierz"  sp. z o.o.},
 abstract={Graphic features of the handwriting samples are not commonly subject to separate analysis. They are usually taken into consideration during handwriting analysis or handwriting recognition. However, the said features may be useful when we try to determine the type of the handwriting sample, as their numbers or amount in the sample is strongly connected with the type of a sample. To determine the relationship between the type of handwriting sample and its graphic features, 11 types of handwriting samples, from 100 participants, were collected and analyzed. The number of motor features was counted and the standard deviation of some dimensional features has been measured. Friedman’s ANOVA and post-hoc tests have been used during the statistical analysis. The results proved that some graphic features (like, for example, pen-stops and pen-lifts) are more frequently spotted in some types of handwriting samples rather than in others, and, therefore, might be useful to determine the type of handwriting sample. Other graphic features or, at least, other motor features, should be subject to future research, as they could be useful for determining the types of handwriting samples that are, under current research, similar to each other (e.g. natural and unintentionally natural samples).},
 title={Cechy graficzne w poszczególnych typach prób pisma ręcznego},
 keywords={handwriting samples, graphic features, motor variables, dimensional variables, type of handwriting sample},