@misc{Śledzińska-Simon_Anna_Kobiety_2022, author={Śledzińska-Simon, Anna}, copyright={Copyright by Anna Śledzińska-Simon}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, language={pol}, abstract={The article explores the status of women as subjects of rights in the Polish Constitution. The first part is devoted to the language of the constitution, which excludes women from the definition of the Nation and rights guarantees. Although the Constitution uses generic forms, which refer to both men and women, its gender asymmetry is glaring. The second part proposes editorial changes to some provisions involving the use of gender fair language. The third part analyses the tension between the protection of women’s rights and the protection of women, as well as the statements of the Constitutional Tribunal that perpetuate gender stereotypes. The fourth part compiles rulings that treat women and men as same, similar and different subjects, and rulings that strip women of their status as subjects of rights. The article concludes with remarks on the compatibility of the Constitution with the concept of ‘gender’.}, type={text}, title={Kobiety i płeć w Konstytucji RP}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/149861}, keywords={language of the constitution, women’s rights, protection of women, gender equality, Constitutional Tribunal, gender}, }