 author={Kuźnik, Anna and Walczyński, Marcin and Gostkowska, Kaja and Paprocka, Natalia and Solová, Regina},
 abstract={The Polish-language version of the teaching material originally developed in English as part of the Erasmus+ “Strategic Partnerships” educational project entitled “Towards a European Framework of Reference for Translation (EFFORT)” carried out at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Wrocław from 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2023, coordinated by the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The material includes the proposal of translation competence descriptors at level C in five areas of professional specialisation for specialist translators: (1) economic and financial translation, (2) legal translation, (3) literary translation, (4) scientific translation and (5) technical translation (intellectual output no. 5). Material translated from English into Polish by the Polish EFFORT team composed by: Anna Kuźnik, Marcin Walczyński, Kaja Gostkowska, Natalia Paprocka and Regina Solová (translation has been completed in October 2023); terminological consultations: Konrad Klimkowski from the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Waldemar Martyniuk from the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, and Radosław Kucharczyk from the University of Warsaw.},
 abstract={https://www.effortproject.eu/ Source text data in English: Hurtado Albir, Amparo; Rodríguez-Inés, Patricia; Prieto Ramos, Fernando; Dam, Helle V.; Dimitriu, Rodica; Haro Soler, María del Mar; Huertas Barros, Elsa; Kujamäki, Minna; Kuźnik, Anna; Pokorn, Nike K. ; van Egdom, Gys-Walt; Ciobanu, Sorina; Cogeanu-Haraga, Oana; Ghivirigă, Teodora; González Cruz, Sonia; Gostkowska, Kaja; Pisanski Peterlin, Agnes; Vesterager, Anja K.; Vine, Juliet; Walczyński, Marcin; Zethsen, Karen K. (2023) Common European Framework of Reference for Translation – Competence Level C (specialist translator): A proposal by the EFFORT Project. (accessed 09.10.2023).},
 title={Europejski System Opisu Kształcenia Tłumaczeniowego dla poziomu C (tłumacz specjalistyczny). Propozycja opracowana w ramach projektu EFFORT},
 keywords={translation competence, written translation, translation competence framework, level C, translation competence descriptors, areas of professional specialisation in translation, specialist translator, economic and financial translation, legal translation, literary translation, scientific translation, technical translation, Common European Framework of Reference for Translation (CEFRT), Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL)},