 author={Węgrzyn, Rafał},
 copyright={Copyright by Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego},
 copyright={Copyright by Rafał Węgrzyn},
 publisher={Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego},
 abstract={Digital pedagogy draws attention to the role the media play in shaping identity, learning social norms or building structures of imagination. The Polish media scene is dominated by two main camps, on which a lot of media studies and analyses have already appeared. However, on the Polish publishing market one can find media outside the political mainstream, which enjoy a devoted and growing audience. The purpose of this article is to analyze the data contained in the “Magna Polonia” portal. The research was conducted in the paradigm of distant reading, proposed by Franco Moretti. The key thematic area of the analyses made is the reconstruction of the image of education presented by the authors of the articles of the “Magna Polonia” portal. With the help of CLARIN-PL infrastructure, a corpus consisting of tens of thousands of articles from the “Magna Polonia” portal was created. Subsequently, passages on education were extracted from it and subjected to quantitative analysis in terms of subject areas, word frequency and stylistic analysis. By analyzing the content of the “Magna Polonia” portal, an effort was made to learn and understand what kind of world the portal creates for its readers. The utopian vision of education that emerges from the corpus of articles was reconstructed.},
 title={Utopia prawicowego populizmu.Analiza treści artykułów portalu „Magna Polonia”  1},
 keywords={Magna Polonia, rightwing, distantreading, utopia, CLARIN-PL},