 author={Głażewski, Michał},
 copyright={Copyright by Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego},
 copyright={Copyright by Michał Głażewski},
 publisher={Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego},
 abstract={The subject of this paper is the problem of founding education as a way of creating a human mind. At the heart of Western education lies the assumption that the human mind is not right and that it needs to be re-formed. The child must be brought out of its natural state by molding and shaping, by the social ethos and agos of the educators. But there is a burning question about the first cause of things: what about the teacher himself. What constitutes the legitimacy of the educator’s actions? Are the natural law of parents and the statutory law of compulsory schooling necessary but also sufficient conditions? The paper consists of eight parts: 1) Prolegomena; 2) A Monster of Philosophers; 3) Medice, cura teipsem; 4) Deconstruction of the Self-guiding Ego; 5) An Accomplice and Hope of Philosophers; 6) In the Beginning There Was a Utopia; 7) Dystopia of Happiness; 8) Child in the Mist of Dystopia. For pedagogy, the concept of education in utopia can be a source of inspiration in the sense of a radical way of thinking about society, man and upbringing, but also – in the form of its skeptical alter ego – a dystopia that anticipates the gloomy effects of the implementation of such projects, it can be a source of pedagogical pragmatism and restraint towards pedagogical hubris , the unbridled pride of the causative power of the “engineers of souls”.},
 title={Dziecko w dystopii. Monstrum i wspólnik filozofów},
 keywords={child as homo educandus, mind, education, self-education, origin of philosophy, founding self-analysis, teacher, utopia, dystopia, knowledge, ignorance, tabula rasa, modernism, postmodernism, deconstruction of the selfguiding ego, New Man, new world of symbolic culture, order, disorder},