 author={Mazurczak, Eliza},
 copyright={Copyright by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego sp. z o.o., Wrocław 2022},
 copyright={Copyright by CNS},
 publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego},
 abstract={The subject of the study is the characteristics of selected elements of the status of the officers of the Marshal’s Guard in the aspect of their remaining in non-employment relations of an administrative-legal nature. It focuses on the institution of establishing this type of legal bond, the rights and duties of the officers of this formation and the termination of their employment. The analysisof pragmatic regulations is in this area is an an additional argument justifying the position according to which the Marshal’s Guard may be classified as a militarized service.},
 title={Status funkcjonariuszy Straży Marszałkowskiej — zagadnienia wybrane},
 keywords={Marshal’s Guard, service relationship, officer, militarized service},