@misc{Mańko_Rafał_Conference_2014, author={Mańko, Rafał}, copyright={Copyright by Wroclaw Review of Law, Administration & Economics, published by Sciendo}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={University of Wroclaw. Faculty of Law, Administration & Economics}, language={eng}, type={text}, title={Conference Report: 15th Conference of the International Association for Consumer Law (IACL), “Virtues and Consumer Law”, hosted by the Centre for the Study of European Contract Law (CSECL), University of Amsterdam, 29 June – 1 July 2015}, doi={https://doi.org/10.1515/wrlae-2015-0018}, keywords={administration, economics, academic journal, law, University of Wrocław, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics}, }