@misc{Marmola_Małgorzata_The_2017, author={Marmola, Małgorzata and Wańczyk-Welc Anna}, copyright={Copyright by Małgorzata Marmola}, copyright={Copyright by Anna Wańczyk-Welc}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Zakład Historii Edukacji Instytutu Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The article presents the research concerning the image of a child from parents descended from broken and incomplete families. The theoretical assumption of the research study is the intergenerational transmission process, which causes that “[....] the experience from the family of origin has an indelible impact on the whole life”. This experience magnifies family or poses a threat to it and as Radochoński defines, it creates its identity “[...] from a distant but always own past to the secret future”. In this context, the earlier generation may use the resources from the family of origin. In terms of the system, experience gained from the family of origin can be passed further in the transmission process in the form of knowledge, ready-made patterns of behaviour, values or the system of expectations. On the basis of this knowledge it can be assumed that the specific way of perceiving an own child by young parents will be associated with their family of origin. This assumption represents the heart of discussion and it is a starting point to this research. To examine the picture of own child by parents an ACL adjective test by H. Gough and A. Heilbrun was used in non-standard application (My child is, I would like my child to be).}, title={The image of a child from parents descended from broken and incomplete families}, type={tekst}, keywords={intergenerational transmission, image of a child, young adults, broken family, incomplete family}, }