@misc{Kundera_Jarosław_Globalne_2018, author={Kundera, Jarosław}, copyright={Copyright by Jarosław Kundera}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={E-Wydawnictwo. Prawnicza i Ekonomiczna Biblioteka Cyfrowa. Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={After 2008 year the developing countries are becoming major industrial manufacturers and commercial outlets, build numerical middle-class, hence one talks about move the global production and demand in the global economy. The beneficiaries of this process transfers are mainly China and India, but also many other smaller economies in Asia, Latin America and even Africa. The source of success in these countries are a market economy and globalization; catching up process takes place thanks to the development of industry and exports, the influx of foreign direct investment, foreign imitation innovation, as well as through State policies to support national enterprises. If during the crisis there has been a weakening of the highly developed countries and shift production and demand to the developing countries in the direction of a more equitable allocation of resources, it is questionable whether this process is going to have a lasting nature due to emerging development barriers now. To overcome these barriers developing countries must take further reforms towards the restructuring of the economy, the development of new areas of activity, the development of services, modernization of agriculture, increased expenditure on research and scientific works, revive domestic demand. Many companies are currently before the challenge, whether to continue its activities on the biggest markets of the developed countries, where they earn most profit and growth is slow, or move the operations to the developing countries, where economic growth is much faster and offering higher future profits. After 2008 there is no doubt that companies operating globally must adapt its strategy to the process of global change, including for the organizational structure and management methods, taking into account the international context, in this first cooperative agreements with the firms of developing countries, seek competent local leaders to build local ties to gain huge markets.}, title={Globalne przesunięcie działalności gospodarczej po kryzysie 2008 r.}, keywords={globalization, global business strategies, crisis 2008, shift production}, }