@misc{Gara_Jarosław_Aporetic_2017, author={Gara, Jarosław}, copyright={Copyright by Jarosław Gara}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Instytut Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Utopian thinking is a kind of utopian vision/belief in the fact that constitutively another world is not only possible, but also necessary. This vision is based on the unconditional and absolute negation of what is existing here and now and the unconditional absolute affirmation of what is Imagined there and then. Any such vision grows or is founded on the aporetic nature of existential experience, which opens a way for two types of reasoning: thinking by antinomies, which stands at the basis of the construction of utopian thinking and thinking by paradoxes, which stands at the basis of deconstructing utopian thinking. The basic criterion showing inevitability, but also conditionality of the adequacy of these ways of thinking is what can be described as medium of distance. Successive approximations within the experience of everyday life exhaust the possibility of simple thinking by antinomies as an adequate way of relating to the surrounding reality and opening the way of thinking by paradoxes.}, title={Aporetic nature of existential experience as a premise for constructing/deconstructing utopian thinking}, keywords={constructing utopian thinking, deconstructing utopian thinking, existential experience, phenomenological analysis}, }