@misc{Dymczyk_Rafał_Traces_2015-, author={Dymczyk, Rafał}, copyright={Copyright by Rafał Dymczyk}, howpublished={online}, year={2015-}, publisher={Pracownia Badań nad Tradycją Oralną}, language={pol}, abstract={The article describes and interprets an amazing variety of problems of history and stories that were told orally in the presented lives of Bulgarian Saints. The author’s research focuses on the “NewBulgarian Martyrs,” or the Saints from the years 1453-1867. The article “Traces of orality in Bulgarian saints’ lives” can be interpreted in two ways: macro, examining who taught the people through story tellingand micro, which explains where it occurred. The way the history and stories were presented to people is very important. The process is analysed on the example of saint Onufry’s of Gabrovo life, and givesus the information about the original and repeated orality. The analysis concludes that the lives of Bulgarian saints is an interesting subject for further research on oral tradition and literature.}, type={text}, title={Traces of Orality in Bulgarian Saints’ Lives}, doi={https://doi.org/10.23734/QO.2015.}, keywords={oralność, żywoty świętych, Bułgaria, lata 1453–1867}, }