@misc{Brzeziński_Witold_Fatherly_2015, author={Brzeziński, Witold}, copyright={Copyright by Witold Brzeziński}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Wydział Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych Karkonoskiej Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej}, publisher={Zakład Historii Edukacji Instytutu Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper is concerned with the issue of the source of the fatherly responsibility for bringing up his offspring as it was presented in three selected thirteenth-century educational treatises. These are De regimine filiorum nobilium by Vincent of Beauvais, De erudicione principum by William Perault, and De regimine principum by Giles of Rome.}, type={tekst}, title={Fatherly responsibility for educating his offspring as reflected in moral and didactic writings in the High Middle Ages}, doi={https://doi.org/10.23734/wwr20152.297.308}, keywords={fatherhood, responsibility, relations, parents, children, mirrors of princes, Vincent of Beauvais, William Perault, Giles of Rome}, }