@misc{Piotrowicz_Grażyna_Applicability_2015, author={Piotrowicz, Grażyna}, copyright={Copyright by Grażyna Piotrowicz}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu}, language={pol}, abstract={The publication contains 27 authorʼs papers prepared by Wrocław University Library employees and offers the Libraryʼs achievements in the field of modernizing and broadening the scope of services for online access, acquiring and diversifying electronic sources of information, as well as for optimizing the work and intralibrary processes, all of which were implemented in the last decade through computerization and applicability of modern digital and information and communication technologies. The articles insight into the realization of the Libraryʼs vision as a hybrid Library modernizing both its physical and electronic space. Presented are databases, services, and electronic systems (commercial and the ones developed by the Libraryʼs employees) which facilitate its functioning in the Libraryʼs various departments and agencies. They also describe the processes of digital preservation of cultural heritage treasured in the Libraryʼs special collections as well as the forms and modes of online access to the heritage in the Internet global network.}, title={Applicability of Modern Technologies and Digital Media to Wrocław University Library as of the Year 2015 : Introduction}, doi={https://doi.org/10.23734/73.16.001}, keywords={Wrocław University Library, academic library, computerization, digital technology, information and communication technology, hybrid model of a library, physical space, electronic space, databases, information services, electronic systems, online services, electronic information resources, cultural heritage, digital preservation, online accession, global network, Internet}, }