@misc{Ogińska-Bulik_Nina_Posttraumatic_2014, author={Ogińska-Bulik, Nina}, copyright={Copyright by Nina Ogińska-Bulik}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Department of Psychology, University of Wrocław}, publisher={http://www.psychologia.uni.wroc.pl www.psychologia.uni.wroc.pl}, publisher={Publishing House eBooki.com.pl}, publisher={http://www.ebooki.com.pl/ www.ebooki.com.pl}, language={eng}, abstract={This study investigates the role that temperament and resiliency play in posttraumatic growth among people who have experienced the death of someone close. Seventy-four participants completed a series of questionnaires measuring posttraumatic growth, using the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, resiliency by the Resiliency Assessment Scale, and temperamental traits using the Formal Characteristics of Behaviour – Temperament Inventory. The respondents’ ages ranged from 21 to 74 years (M=38.4; SD=15.5), with 63.5% being women. Most participants had lost a parent – 37.8%. Results reveal that increased appreciation for life and improved relations with others are the most prevalent areas of posttraumatic growth. Findings suggest that posttraumatic growth is more likely to be determined by resiliency defined as skills gained from coping with various difficult events rather than biologically determined temperamental traits.}, type={text}, title={Posttraumatic growth following the death of someone close – the role of temperament and resiliency}, keywords={temperament, posttraumatic growth, resiliency, bereavement}, }