@misc{Walęcka-Matyja_Katarzyna_Adolescent_2014, author={Walęcka-Matyja, Katarzyna}, copyright={Copyright by Katarzyna Walęcka-Matyja}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Department of Psychology, University of Wrocław}, publisher={http://www.psychologia.uni.wroc.pl www.psychologia.uni.wroc.pl}, publisher={Publishing House eBooki.com.pl}, publisher={http://www.ebooki.com.pl/ www.ebooki.com.pl}, language={eng}, abstract={At the time of this work I had been concentrating on how the family gave shape to adolescent personalities and how adolescents would, as a consequence, accept themselves. The purpose of this present study is to determine the differences in personality range and levels of self-acceptance among groups of women and men from complete, incomplete and reconstructed families. The study included a group of 314 adolescents, from the administrative region of Lódź. The following test methods were used: the Survey and standardised Inventory of Personality NEO - FFI by P.T. Costa and R. McCrae as adapted by B. Zawadzki, J. Strelau, P. Szczepaniak and M. Śliwińska; and the Scale of Interpersonal Attitude (SUI) as adapted by J. M. Stanik. As a result of statistical analyses, it turned out that the dimension of personality the Openness to Experience had indeed diversified the examined adolescent groups. Statistically significant differences were also observed at the self-acceptance level between the study groups.}, title={Adolescent personalities and their self-acceptance within complete families, incomplete families and reconstructed families}, type={text}, keywords={self-acceptance, family structure, adolescence, personality}, }